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ProPresenter Templates & Integration

How to use ProPresenter lyrics templates.
ProPresenter Lyric Automation | What do I Need?An overview of the Propresenter Automation options and subscriptions on
Chart Pro Lyric Import, Website ProPresenter Templates and Stage Display Add-on ProPresenter TemplatesA comparison of the ProPresenter Lyric and chord options offered through integrations.
HOW TO | ProPresenter Lyric and Template ImportIntegrate Chart Pro and the Stage Display Add-on subscription with ProPresenter to import templates directly into ProPresenter!
Troubleshooting | ProPresenter Lyric and Template ImportTroubleshooting steps for solving common errors or issues related to ProPresenter lyric & template import in ProPresenter.
Troubleshooting ProPresenter MIDI InputSteps to troubleshoot MIDI input into ProPresenter.
Troubleshooting | ProPresenter Lyric AutomationInformation and steps to troubleshoot possible problems with the Playback and ProPresenter Lyric Automation Setup.
MIDI Troubleshooting | Confirming MIDI is Being Sent from PlaybackLearn how to use a MIDI Monitor tool to confirm MIDI is being sent to your computer, software or device.
Troubleshooting MIDI Cues Firing Lyrics LateAn article to assist in the troubleshooting of MIDI cues firing lyrics later than expected when using wired or wireless MIDI over a network.