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Chart Pro Lyric Import, Website ProPresenter Templates and Stage Display Add-on ProPresenter Templates
Chart Pro Lyric Import, Website ProPresenter Templates and Stage Display Add-on ProPresenter Templates

A comparison of the ProPresenter Lyric and chord options offered through integrations.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 2 months ago

Below we'll explain the differences between Chart Pro lyric import, ProPresenter templates that are available for purchase from the website, and the ProPresenter Templates that are available via ProPresenter Import (Stage Display Add-On).

Chart Pro Lyric Import

Chart Pro Lyric import only requires Chart Pro, and unlocks the ability to import unlimited lyrics from the catalogue, into ProPresenter using the search integrated in ProPresenter. There is no song maximum, and the lyrics can be imported pre-formatted with common line formats; 1 line, 2 line, 3 line, & 4 line.

Breakdown of Chart Pro Lyric Import

Features included in Lyric Import with Chart Pro:

  • Compatible with ProPresenter 7.8 and newer.

  • Lyrics-Only import using built-in ProPresenter search.

  • Pre-formatted lyrics based on common line formats; 1 line, 2 line, 3 line, & 4 line.

  • Importing a song's lyrics deducts from the Chart Pro Song Limit (denoted as Chart Pro PDF credits found on the Chart Pro Account page.

Features NOT included with just Lyric Import:

  • Not compatible with the Production MIDI cues
    (would need custom MIDI cues build by user)

  • Does not include Chord features of any kind for displaying chords in ProPresenter.

ProPresenter Templates imported using ProPresenter Search with the Stage Display Add-On

The ProPresenter Add-On is an, optional, supplemental subscription to Chart Pro that unlocks full ProPresenter templates with lyrics and chords that are directly importable within ProPresenter via MultiTracks Search in ProPresenter.
Note: The 200-song maximum is in place to prevent abuse or misuse of the subscription model.

Breakdown of the ProPresenter templates in the ProPresenter Add-On:

  • Compatible with ProPresenter 7.8 and newer.

  • Full compatibility with the ProPresenter MIDI Cues.

  • Native ProPresenter Master and Full Song Arrangement Options.

  • Smart chord display features natively accessible in ProPresenter.

    • Change the song key directly in ProPresenter without the need for downloading and importing new files.

    • Change chord display type natively within ProPresenter. (numbers, etc)

    • Native ProPresenter Chord and Lyric Stage Display options

  • Requires regular (weekly minimum) access to an internet connection on the ProPresenter machine.

  • Included in the ProPresenter Add-on and available as long as ProPresenter Add-on is active.

ProPresenter Templates downloaded from

Purchasable ProPresenter templates from the website that don't require a subscription. Individual purchase per song.

Breakdown of the ProPresenter Templates from

  • Compatible with ProPresenter 6.0 and newer.

  • Full compatibility with the ProPresenter MIDI Cues.

  • Native ProPresenter Master and Full Song Arrangement Options.

  • Simple text chords in the "Notes" section of templates.

    • Downloadable from the website in all 12 keys.

    • Not transposable natively with ProPresenter.
      (Would need a different song file in ProPresenter for each key)

    • Not connected to the smart Lyric and chord Stage Display.

  • Physical files that do not require an internet connection on the ProPresenter machine.

  • Purchasable per song from and available indefinitely after purchase.

Features and Compatibility

Chart Pro Lyric Import
(lyrics imported using only Chart Pro)

Downloaded Templates (Downloaded from and imported into ProPresenter as a file)

Imported Templates
(with "Chords and Lyrics" selected)

Formatted Lyrics Included




ProPresenter Version Compatibility

ProPresenter 7.8 or newer

ProPresenter 6 and 7

ProPresenter 7.8 or newer

Access restrictions


Individual Purchase


Compatible with MIDI Cues



Native "Master" and "Full Song" arrangement options



Support with the Native Stage Display Chords & Lyrics


Change Chord type & song key natively in ProPresenter


Required regular (weekly at minimum) Internet Access


Simple chord text for the Stage Display in the "Notes" section of each slide that can be easily edited.


*Subscription Access

  • Annual susbcriptions have a 200 song limit annually, that resets each annual cycle.

  • Monthly Chart Pro subscriptions have a 16 song rolling limit for importing lyrics into ProPresenter; if you didn't reach the limit in one month, you'll have a larger limit the subsequent month.

Other useful information:

  • Individually-purchased ProPresenter Templates from can be imported with a ProPresenter Add-on subscription and would take on the full features of the ProPresenter Add-on Templates without deducting from the maximum allotted ProPresenter Templates included in the ProPresenter Add-On subscription.

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