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ChartBuilder User Guide

Learn how to use ChartBuilder to practice, rehearse, and perform with the confidence of accurate charts.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over a year ago
Discover dynamic, customizable charts in ChartBuilder from

ChartBuilder is a dynamic charts and rehearsal app for learning worship music faster than ever. Available for iOS and Android, ChartBuilder is the best tool available for equipping musicians on your team to make the most out of their practice time.

This guided tour will walk you through everything you need to know to be successful with ChartBuilder, starting with how to access charts and RehearsalMix in-app and ending with the best ways to use ChartBuilder live during service.

App Overview

ChartBuilder is free to download on the iOS and Android App Stores. The latest version of ChartBuilder is available to iOS devices on iOS 10 or later.

Here are direct store download links for each app store:

User Requirements

Access to the chart catalog in ChartBuilder can be given to any user through an Organization via or purchased by individuals directly through the App Store.

Organization Access:

  • Content Subscription: For an Organization to give any users access to the chart catalog in ChartBuilder, that Organization first needs to purchase the Content Subscription. The Content sub covers unlimited access to Chart content in ChartBuilder. Keep in mind: purchased PDF charts can be accessed in ChartBuilder without the Content subscription.

  • App Seats: For an Organization with the content subscription to grant multiple team members access to Chart content in ChartBuilder, each team member needs to be given an app subscription seat ($1.99/seat), granting the team member unlimited access to the chart catalog directly in ChartBuilder.

Individual Access:

  • The Solo Practice Bundle is a single subscription built to equip any musician with a set of tools to enhance personal practice time. It unlocks access to dynamic charts and RehearsalMix in ChartBuilder for a single user.

  • The Solo Practice Bundle is available directly in-app through the App Store and on and costs $5.99/month.

  • It includes unlimited access to charts and RehearsalMix in ChartBuilder.

  • RehearsalMix includes audio access to individual instrument parts directly in ChartBuilder.

Note: A user can purchase the Solo Practice Bundle for their own rehearsal needs in their Organization. If a user logs into another organization to access setlists, they will need an app seat granted by an organization admin.

Once your subscriptions are ready, it's time to open up ChartBuilder!

Before You Begin

When opening ChartBuilder for the first time, you have a few options:

The opening screen of ChartBuilder features the options of logging into an existing account or creating a new one.
  • Create an Account: If you have not yet created a account, tap “Get Started” and fill out the information. You can create a account without adding your payment info. This gives you the opportunity to experience ChartBuilder’s dynamic charts and the RehearsalMix player using the Demo Setlist. Head to at any time to finish setting up your account.

  • Log In: If you currently have a account, log in to get started.

  • Dismiss and Explore: Once in the Sign Up screen, tap the X in the top right to dismiss the screen and try the sample setlist out for yourself. Sign up or log in at any time through the Account Tab.

Note: If you are wanting to use ChartBuilder through an already existing organization, you do not have to create an account first. We recommend waiting for your organizational admin to send an invite for you to join, and then finish creating your account on

Choose an Organization

When logging in, choose which Organization to log in to. Your user account may have different permissions to access content if you are in multiple organizations.

Note: to learn what content permissions you are given in an organization, contact your organization admin.

UI Overview

When logging in to ChartBuilder for the first time, you will see the Setlists Tab main screen, where every upcoming and past setlist in the organization can be viewed (depending on your user permissions).

ChartBuilder has four main tabs for using charts and building setlists, accessible in the bottom navigation bar.

  • Browse: Discover any song in the catalog using ChartBuilder’s Browse experience. Search by song name or browse by categories including New Releases, Top Songs, and more.

  • Library: The Library tab is where you can quickly find songs for which you have purchased tracks, ProPresenter templates, or any other product. It also contains songs that have been added to previous setlists and uploaded Cloud Songs.

  • Setlists: Create, edit, view, and share setlists from this tab of ChartBuilder.

  • Account: Manage account settings, MIDI control, and subscriptions from the Account tab. You can also quickly switch between organizations that your user account is logged in to from this screen.

Each of these screens of ChartBuilder will be covered in detail throughout this guide. Let’s get started by building our first setlist!

Create a New Setlist

Start planning for Sunday by building your first setlist.

Tap “New Setlist” in the Setlist screen to begin building your first setlist.

  • Setlist Name: Name your setlist whatever makes the most sense for your team.

  • Pin: Choose to pin the setlist at the top of your Upcoming Setlists instead of assigning a date.

  • Date & Time: Determine the date and time of this setlist.

Tap Done to finish building the setlist shell. ChartBuilder will then open the Setlist Overview page, the home of this setlist. This is where you will add/remove songs, edit song order, save and restore Cloud versions of the setlist, and manage team members added to the setlist.

Add Songs to the Setlist

The first step of building a setlist is to add songs. This can be done from a few places in the app. Here we will break down the SetlistBuilder experience, accessible directly in the Setlist Overview page.

If your setlist is empty, you will see an "Add Songs" button. The Add Songs button in your setlist opens a condensed Browse experience for adding songs to the currently opened setlist. The SetlistBuilder menu header shows the setlist name, number of songs currently in the setlist, and the total setlist time length.

  • Tap “Add Songs” in the Setlist Overview page, opening the SetlistBuilder song search.

  • Filter Browse by All Catalog Songs, Library, or Cloud. Search for any song in the catalog.

  • Tap + to quick-add any song to the current setlist, instantly adding the song.

  • Tap the X in the top right to return to the Setlist overview, where you will see the songs added in order.

Once songs have been added to the setlist, tap Open Setlist to open the first song’s chart (see Navigating Your Setlist for more.)

Loading a Setlist

Setlists created from, Playback, or another ChartBuilder device in your organization can be opened directly in ChartBuilder. As previously mentioned, content and user permissions apply when opening a setlist.

While in the main Setlists tab view, use the Upcoming and Past filters under Search to find every setlist created and available in the organization sorted by date.

Tap on a setlist cell to open the Overview page.

Setlist Cell

Each Setlist cell gives you a high-level view of the setlist as well as some quick access actions without needing to open it.

  • Setlist Name, number of songs, and total setlist time length

  • The 4-album art shows the album art of the first 4 songs in the setlist

  • See the date of the setlist by day and year (or pinned icon, if the setlist is pinned)

  • See the image avatars of the team members added to the setlist

Tap the ellipsis (i.e., 3-dot icon) in the right of the setlist cell to open the Quick Access menu:

  • Open Setlist: Open the Setlist Overview page to see the song list and open charts

  • View Setlist Note: See the note saved with the latest saved version of this setlist

  • Email Team: Send a quick email to all team members added to this setlist informing them that the setlist is ready to view.

  • Duplicate Setlist: Create a copy of this setlist with a new name and date.

  • Delete Setlist: Permanently delete this setlist from your organization. This cannot be undone.

Editing Setlists

Edit Mode

While in the Setlist Overview, Tap Edit in the top right of the screen to make setlist edits.

  • Add Song: Tap the “Add Songs” button at the top of the song order to enter the SetlistBuilder menu

  • Delete Song: Tap the Delete icon or swipe left to Delete a song from the setlist

  • Change Order: Tap and Hold the stack icon (i.e., three horizontal lines) on the right of any song cell to drag the song to a new position in the setlist order

Once pressing Done, ChartBuilder will prompt you to save changes to the Cloud if any changes were made. Saved changes will be available for other users with access to the setlist to update on their own ChartBuilder devices – more on Setlist Saving below.

Edit Setlist Details

Tap the ellipsis icon (i.e., 3-dot icon) next to Edit to open the quick access menu. Tap Edit Setlist Details to make changes to the setlist Name, Date, and Pin toggle. Save to cloud and these changes will be available across other devices.

Saving Setlists

Setlists in are connected across the ecosystem. If changes are saved by a user with the proper permissions, the saved version of the setlist in the cloud is updated and accessible by any team members with access to the setlist in Playback or ChartBuilder.

Setlist Saving Permissions

There are four levels of permissions that can be granted to team members in an organization, and each level has different setlist access. Learn more about user permissions management here.

What ChartBuilder changes are saved?

There are some setlist changes that will be saved to cloud and some changes that are only saved to the local device.

Setlist changes that are saved:

  • Setlist title / Date

  • Song order changes

  • Song arrangement and key

  • Team member access

NOTE: Chart customization (any filter changes or toggles) are not saved to the cloud. These are local-only for a specific device and determined by personal preference.

How to Save a Setlist

After any of the above changes have been made to a setlist while in Edit mode, tap done. The prompt will ask for you to either Save to the cloud, or keep changes local only.

  • Tap Save to Cloud in the setlist Quick Access menu.

  • Leave an optional note for your team describing which changes were recently saved

  • Tap Save. The setlist version just saved will now be available for other users on their own ChartBuilder and Playback devices.

Restoring a Setlist

If “Not Now” is chosen, this means that the local version of the loaded setlist is not synced with what is saved to the cloud. However, if you no longer want to keep the changes locally made to the setlist, there is an easy way to re-load the cloud saved version.

  • Tap Restore From Cloud in the setlist Quick Access menu. This will display the note left with the latest saved version and present the option to Update the local setlist.

  • Tap Update, and the Cloud version will be loaded onto your local device.

Navigating Your Setlist

Swipe left and right to navigate between songs in your setlist. This is also an action mappable to a connected MIDI controller or Bluetooth AirTurn device.

Note: If Paging is the selected layout setting, swiping left/right will also swipe between chart pages.

Once your setlist is built and saved, it's time to share it with your team.


Team members can be given access to any setlist in an organization. Once added to a setlist, a team member can open it in ChartBuilder and access dynamic charts and RehearsalMix for their own practice time with the proper permissions. Team members can be added to setlists on the website or in ChartBuilder.

NOTE: Adding team members to your organization is easy and can be done in the People section of your Account on Learn how to add team members by email or by Planning Center import.

Add Team Members to a Setlist

The Setlist Overview has 2 tabs: Songs and Team. Team members can be added to a setlist in the Team tab.

  • Tap on the “Team” tab to view a list of every person added to your organization. Each person in your team will show the Avatar image, full name (or email, if no name is entered), and their permission level (e.g., Org admin, campus admin, etc.).

  • Tap the button on the far right of a team member cell to add them to the current setlist. Once this is done, the added team member can log in to ChartBuilder and open the setlist.

Sharing Setlist Changes

When a team member has a shared setlist open on their own device, they can instantly view setlist changes saved by someone else on the team.

After a setlist change has been saved:

  • Open the Setlist Overview

  • See the banner shown under the header: “This setlist has been changed.”

  • Tap update to view the setlist note, and confirm the update

The setlist changes will be locally applied in ChartBuilder.

Notify Your Team

Often a worship leader will want to finish building a setlist before sharing with the team for practice. Team members added to a setlist on can be sent an email notification when the setlist is ready for them.

While in the Setlist Overview:

  • Tap the ellipsis (i.e., 3-dot icon) to open the Quick Access menu

  • Tap “Email Team”

Every team member assigned to this setlist will receive an email informing them that the setlist is ready to be viewed.

Now that your setlist has been built and team members have been added, let’s dive into ChartBuilder’s dynamic chart customization.

Chart Overview

ChartBuilder offers dynamic chart customization options for each unique user. Every musician on stage can follow the same setlist while using the chart that’s right for them. This section will explore customization options as well as the basics of setlist navigation.

Opening a Chart

While in the Setlist Overview, there are a couple options for opening a song chart:

  • The Open Setlist button will open the first song in your setlist. From this point, you can swipe left and right across the screen to scroll through each song’s chart.

  • Tap any song row to open a specific song in your setlist.

Let’s take a look at each section included in every song chart.

Header Bar

The top bar of a song chart is where you can access primary functions for customizing a chart and viewing a setlist.

  • Back button: Tap to exit the chart view and return to the Setlist Overview. NOTE: If a song chart has been opened from the Browse or Library sections, tapping Back will return to the last viewed page.

  • Song Title/Setlist view: Tap the song name to view the setlist at a glance. This will expand a window including the Setlist Details and song order. Tap on any other song in this setlist view to quickly navigate to that song chart.

  • Song Key: This bubble indicates the current song’s key. Tap the key icon to open the Key & Capo menu, where a user can change the key and even choose a capo setting for viewing the chords.

  • Customize Chart: Tap the filter icon in the top right to open the Customize Chart menu.

NOTE: Saving a song key change to cloud will impact the tracks in Playback for the setlist, requiring an offline key change. However, a capo setting change will be local only.

Setlist Dropdown

Tap the song name in the header to expand the setlist dropdown, displaying a summary of the currently loaded setlist. Tap any song in this dropdown to quickly navigate to that song in the setlist.

Customize Chart Menu

The Customize Chart menu contains multiple adjustable filters and toggles for any user to create their own favorite chart style. These changes will affect how each chart is viewed in a setlist or on the device.

1. Chart Type

Choose how the chords and lyrics are displayed in the chart.

  • Chords & Lyrics: The default ChartBuilder view, all chords and lyrics will be displayed for every song section.

  • Lyrics: All chords are hidden and song sections only include lyrics. Preferred chart type of most singers.

  • Song Map: For team members who only want to see the song arrangement, the Song Map type removes all chords & lyrics, leaving only the song section map and MD notes.

  • Chords Only: All lyrics are hidden from the song sections, leaving just the chords for viewing.

2. Chord Type

Choose which type of chord notation to display in charts.

  • Chords: Scale letter notation (F, C, Dm, etc.)

  • Numerals: Roman Numeral notation, based on the Nashville Number system (I, V, vi, etc.)

  • Numbers: The Nashville Number system, which is adaptable no matter the song key (1, 5, 6m, etc.)

  • Do-Re-Mi: Chords are displayed using the Fixed-Do Solfege notation system (Do, Sol, La, etc.)

3. Layout (Tablet only)

Determine the chart layout and which action is performed to scroll through it.

  • Scrolling: The chart layout is one vertical list. Swipe up and down to scroll through the chart and swipe left and right to page between songs.

  • Paging: The chart layout is two columns per page. Swipe left and right to page through the chart as well as the songs in a setlist.

4. Song Sections

The Song Section toggle offers the option to shorten song charts by condensing repeated identical sections

  • Full: View every song section’s full content of chords and lyrics.

  • Condensed: The chart content of repeated identical song sections is hidden. Only the song section bubble and MD Notes are shown. (NOTE: Condensed charts are only available when RehearsalMix Player is disabled.)

5. Additional Toggle Settings

In addition to chart filter options, these toggles allow you to enable or disable parts of the overall chart.

  • Song Map: Show or hide the full, scrollable song map, shown at the top of the chart

  • MD Notes: Show/Hide the MD Notes, shown in the right side of song sections

  • RehearsalMix Player: Show/Hide the RehearsalMix Player, anchored at the bottom of each song chart.

Once the desired filters and settings are chosen, Tap Done to return to your newly customized chart.

Song Map

The entire song map of a song’s arrangement is listed in a scrollable row of song section icons at the top of the chart. This high-level song map is useful for reference as well as a quick navigation tool.

  • Scroll left to right on the song map to see the full song map. (Phone only)

  • Tap on any song section icon to quickly navigate to that section in the chart. The Song Map is anchored to the top of the chart regardless of where in the chart you are currently located.


Annotations can now be made in ChartBuilder to markup a chart with text or drawings.

Annotation edit menu can be accessed using the top-right annotation icon:

Annotations can also be saved and loaded per individual account using the central drop-down menu when in annotation edit mode.

For full detailed information on ChartBuilder annotations, see: HOW TO | ChartBuilder Annotations

The Song Chart

The primary section of every song chart is the actual chart. Every song section and included chart data can viewed by scrolling up/down or left/right, depending on which Setting is chosen for scroll/paging.

  • Song Sections: The Icon + Title of every song section sits above the included chart data. The Tablet view will contain all section chart data in a colored outline that matches the song section icon.

  • MD Notes: Dynamic performance notes created by the team are pinned to the top of each song section container. These notes help provide dynamic performance context for each section of a song.

  • Song metadata: Writer’s credits, MT ID, and copyright content is included at the very bottom of each chart.

  • RehearsalMix Player: The RehearsalMix Player is anchored at the bottom of every song chart by default. Learn more about using RehearsalMix in ChartBuilder for a better practice experience below.

Next, learn how to follow your newly customized chart with the built-in RehearsalMix Player.


ChartBuilder now features an integrated RehearsalMix player, turning it into the ultimate tool for individual practice. Listen to an instrument part in real time while following along with the chart.

Required Subscriptions

In order to use RehearsalMix in ChartBuilder, you need a RehearsalMix subscription seat. This can be purchased in two different ways:

  1. Purchase RehearsalMix on and assign the seat to a user

  2. Solo Practice Bundle for individuals

Learn more about managing subscriptions and assigning seats to team members here.

RehearsalMix Player Overview

Open any song chart to get started. Tap the Customize Chart icon in the top right and enable the RehearsalMix Player. The Player will open anchored to the bottom of the chart.

  • Waveform: The full song’s waveform is displayed along the middle of the player. As the song progresses, the playhead will scroll through the waveform in real time.

  • Song Sections: A colored bar underneath the playhead indicates which song section the player is currently in. ChartBuilder will automatically highlight the section that RehearsalMix is currently in and will auto-scroll the chart when paging is necessary.

  • Play: Use the Play button on the right to start and stop the RMix player. The RehearsalMix Player is designed to automatically scroll the chart while playing audio for the ultimate practice experience.

  • Loop: Tap the loop icon on the far left of the player to initiate a loop of the currently playing song section. This section will restart once it ends.

  • Up/Minus Mix: When an instrument part is selected, tap the Up/Minus mix icon to toggle between the Up Mix (instrument is elevated about the mix) and the Minus Mix (instrument is removed entirely) for practice options.

Listen to Your Part

Swipe up to expand the player and reveal the stem selection options. Every instrument available in a song can be selected from this menu for focused practice.

Choose between the Original Reference track or any of the available instruments. The waveform will update to reflect the currently selected instrument part and which sections of the song it can be heard.

There are a couple ways to listen to your part with RehearsalMix using the Up/Minus Mix.

  • Up Mix plays the selected instrument part elevated above the mix, so that the instrument can be clearly identified in the overall mix.

  • Minus Mix completely removes the instrument part, so that the mix can be heard without it and you can practice playing it yourself.

Navigate the RehearsalMix Player

There are a couple ways to navigate the song while the player is currently playing.

  • Tap any song section bubble to automatically jump to that section of the song.

  • Tap anywhere on the waveform to immediately skip to that section. The chart will automatically page to that section of the chart for you.

  • Tap the Loop Icon to repeat any song section in real time.


There are some powerful features available for using ChartBuilder during a live performance. From MIDI Control to Bluetooth, several wireless connections are possible for handsfree control of charts so you can focus on playing your part.

Note: Bluetooth external control is available in iOS devices only.

External Controller Settings

Use an external controller to navigate through a song chart and songs in a setlist, handsfree.

In the Account section of ChartBuilder, tap External Controller where you will see the dropdown for device selection, as well as four actions that can be mapped to an external controller.

  • Previous/Next Page controls allow you to flip between songs and pages in a setlist. When paging layout is selected, the Page controls will flip through the chart. At the first/last page of a chart, the page controls will then page through songs in the opened setlist.

  • Previous/Next Song controls bypass the pages of a chart and page directly from one song to the next.

Supported External Controllers

ChartBuilder has built-in support for various Bluetooth and MIDI external controllers. Here’s a list of the supported controllers and resources for getting them connected.

1. AirTurn AirDirect Device

2. AirTurn Keyboard Device

This includes any and all Bluetooth pedal solutions from AirTurn:

3. Coda Music STOMP

The Stomp pedal from Coda Music is a wireless Bluetooth pedal with two mappable buttons.

4. Donner Bluetooth Pedal

The Donner Wireless Bluetooth Pedal has two mappable pedals.

5. iRig Blueboard

The iRig Blueboard is a wireless pedal with 4 mappable buttons. The iRig Blueboard requires the official Blueboard iOS app in order to connect to ChartBuilder.

How to connect iRig to your iOS device:

1. Connect iRig Blueboard to iOS device via Bluetooth

2. Install “BlueBoard iOS” from the Apple App Store

3. Blueboard iOS must run in the background and be routed to ChartBuilder in order for ChartBuilder to receive the MIDI messages.

6. External MIDI

ChartBuilder can also receive MIDI messages via Apple’s CoreMIDI network. Select “External MIDI” in the External Controller settings, and ChartBuilder will automatically receive any MIDI Cues routed to it via CoreMIDI networks on a Mac that the iOS device has been added to.

  1. On a Mac: Open Audio/MIDI Setup

  2. Open MIDI Networks and Create a new network

  3. (while iOS device is on the same WiFi network as the Mac Computer), Look for the iOS device’s name and tap to add to a Network

Connect Your External Bluetooth Controller

Most Bluetooth Controllers (except iRig, listed above) are connected to an iOS device the same way.

  1. Connect the Bluetooth Pedal to your iOS device via settings.

  2. Open ChartBuilder -> External Controller and select the Pedal model in the dropdown menu

Assign Your External Controller to ChartBuilder

  • Tap on the action in ChartBuilder you would like to map first.

  • With the action highlighted, tap the control on the external controller and a confirmation icon will signify which controller message is mapped to that action.

  • Repeat this process for all 4 actions, and tap reset mapping if you would like to start over.

ChartBuilder iOS and Android

ChartBuilder is available on both iOS and Android App Stores. What are the differences between these two app store versions?

ChartBuilder on Android currently does not support MIDI control (coming soon)


Is there something missing from this User Guide? Still confused about an experience in ChartBuilder, or do you have a request or an idea for making ChartBuilder even better? Please reach out to,and we would love to assist you.


Visit the official ChartBuilder FAQs page to see answers to the most common questions asked about using ChartBuilder.

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