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Getting Started | ChartBuilder Subscriptions

Get you and your team up and running with ChartBuilder subscriptions in the Ecosystem.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over a year ago

This articles uses excerpts from the ChartBuilder User Guide.


ChartBuilder is a dynamic Charts and rehearsal app for learning worship music faster than ever. Available for iOS and Android, ChartBuilder is the best tool available for equipping musicians on your team to make the most out of their practice time.

ChartBuilder is free to download on the iOS and Android App Stores. The latest version of ChartBuilder is available to iOS devices on iOS 10 or later.

Here are direct store download links for each app store:

User Requirements

Access to the Chart catalog in ChartBuilder can be given to any user through an organization via or purchased by individuals directly through the app store.

Access for Individuals Through an Organization:

Purchasing the Rehearse Bundle (Recommended)

The all new "Rehearse Bundle" from is a bundle of subscriptions that make ChartBuilder app access simple! Purchase the Rehearse Bundle and include enough seats for the users that need access, and then make sure your RehearsalMix and ChartBuilder seats are assigned from the People Page.

Purchasing A La Carte:

  • Chart Pro Subscription*: For an organization to give any users access to the Chart catalog in ChartBuilder, that organization first needs to purchase the Chart Pro Subscription. Chart Pro covers unlimited access to Chart content in ChartBuilder for anyone in the organization and includes 1 App Seat.

    • Keep in mind: purchased PDF Charts can be accessed in ChartBuilder without the Chart Pro subscription.

  • App Seats: For an organization with Chart Pro to grant multiple team members access to Chart content in ChartBuilder, each team member needs an App Subscription Seat ($1.99/seat). An App Seat grants the team member unlimited access to the Chart catalog directly in ChartBuilder.

Access for Individuals not part of an organization:

  • The Solo Practice Bundle is a single subscription built to equip any musician with a set of tools to enhance personal practice time. It unlocks access to dynamic Charts and RehearsalMix in ChartBuilder for a single user.

  • The Solo Practice Bundle is available directly in-app through the App Store and on

  • It includes unlimited access to Charts and RehearsalMix in ChartBuilder.

  • RehearsalMix includes audio access to individual instrument parts directly in ChartBuilder.

Note: A user can purchase the Solo Practice Bundle for their own rehearsal needs in their Organization.

Can my team purchase Solo Practice Bundle individually and access my organization's setlists?
Team members in your organization can individually purchase the Solo Practice Bundle through their own organization, or through the Apple App store directly to cover only the ChartBuilder App Seat requirement. The individual paying for the Solo Practice Bundle would not be able to access charts or RehearsalMix files under other organizations, unless granted access to the charts and RehearsalMix through the organization. So for team members to access the setlists in ChartBuilder, the organization would still need to provide access to the charts through either Chart Pro, or purchasing the charts individually. And would need to pay for and assign RehearsalMix seats if the individuals also need RehearsalMix access for the organization.

Assign App Seats to Your Team Members

First, you will need to add team members to your organization. Here are two ways to add People:

Once you've added your team, you can now assign Seats to all users needing access to ChartBuilder. Seats can be changed and moved freely week to week and even day to day. Organization Admins can opt to purchase only the needed Seats, or purchase Seats for your entire team so everyone has access all the time.

Now that your team members have been assigned ChartBuilder App Seats, they can sign into the app with their login information. (In order for your team to access a song's chart in-app, your organization will need to have the PDF chart purchased or have an active Chart Pro Subscription)

Sharing Setlists with Your Team

There are two ways you and your team leaders can share the setlist with your team:

Note: Only Organization Admins and Campus Admins will be able to see all setlists, regardless of being assigned to them. Team Leaders will only see setlists they've created or been assigned to, and Team Members will only see setlists they've been assigned to.

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