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How does my team access ChartBuilder?

Learn what user permissions and content subscriptions unlock setlists in ChartBuilder for members of your team.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 2 years ago

To open and access an organizational setlist in ChartBuilder, a member of your organization would need:

  • The Proper User Permission level for opening and/or editing the setlist.

  • The Required Subscription(s) for accessing the charts and/or RehearsalMix files in the app.

User Roles and Permissions

Here's a quick breakdown of what user roles can do when opening an organization setlist in ChartBuilder.

  1. Organization and Team Admins: Open, edit and save to Cloud any setlist in the organization.

  2. Team Leaders: Open, Edit, and Save to cloud any setlist they are added to on or in ChartBuilder.

  3. Team Members: Open and locally edit any Setlists they are added to on or in ChartBuilder. Team members cannot overwrite the saved Cloud version of a shared setlist.

For a deeper breakdown of how to edit user permissions and subscription seats, see How To | Manage Team Member's Roles and Subscriptions.

How to Access Charts ChartBuilder

Access to an organization’s charts in ChartBuilder can be given to any user through a ChartBuilder app seat. ChartBuilder app seats are a standalone subscription that grant access to an organization’s charts (See below for more info).

ChartBuilder Organization Access:

In order for an organization to gain access to charts in the ChartBuilder app, they would either need to purchase charts individually, or unlock access to ALL charts with a Chart Pro subscription. So the two main ways to unlock charts for your team are:

  • Chart Pro Subscription: Chart Pro covers unlimited access to chart content in ChartBuilder for all organization members that have a ChartBuilder seat. Chart Pro also includes PDF chart access as well.

  • Purchasing charts: Charts can be purchased individually for $2 per song. This unlocks the Pdf chart on the website, and is then accessible in the ChartBuilder app for anyone that has a ChartBuilder seat.

RehearsalMix Organization Access:

The RehearsalMix player is the audio player built into the ChartBuilder app. While this isn’t required for users to access the charts, it is an incredible feature in the app that can be the different in teams be prepared.

  • RehearsalMix Seats: To access the RehearsalMix player in ChartBuilder, each team member would need a RehearsalMix seat assigned from the People Page as well. To learn more about RehearsalMix see our RehearsalMix Articles, or the product page.

Note: A user can purchase the Solo Practice Bundle for their own rehearsal needs in their organization. If a user logs into another organization to access setlists, they will need an app seat granted by an organization admin.

For a deeper breakdown of how to edit user permissions and subscription seats, see How To | Manage Team Member's Roles and Subscriptions.

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