The Solo Practice Bundle is a subscription to meet the needs of the developing individual. For one single monthly/annual price, access unlimited charts and RehearsalMix files inside ChartBuilder. View product page for more details.
Subscription Overview
Solo Practice Bundle is a subscription for our ChartBuilder app that can be purchased monthly or annually to help you learn songs fast, develop your craft, and worship with confidence. You can subscribe via our website, or through the ChartBuilder app directly on iOS or Android.
Solo Practice Bundle Includes
1 ChartBuilder seat
Access to accurate charts
RehearsalMix audio
With the solo practice bundle, does my church still need to add me to a ChartBuilder seat to see the upcoming setlist?
Yes, your organization admin would still need to assign the user a seat to ChartBuilder and add the user to the setlist in order for that user to view the setlist created in the organization account.
Since the solo practice bundle comes with RehearsalMix, am I able to access Charts on the website like I would RehearsalMix?
No. The solo practice bundle comes with RehearsalMix audio and not a seat. Your organization admin would need to give the user Chart Pro access to download Chart PDF’s from the website.
Can I download Charts from the website via solo practice bundle?
No. The user would need to sign up for Chart Pro have this ability.
Can I access my cloud songs with the solo practice bundle?
Yes. With Cloud Pro Basic the user can build their custom chart in Chord Pro and have access within the ChartBuilder app
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