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HOW TO | Expand Playback Access and Licenses in your Organization
HOW TO | Expand Playback Access and Licenses in your Organization

Learn how to use Team Sharing seats to share your Organization's purchased content with members of your worship team in Playback.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over a year ago

In order to add Playback devices to your Organization, or to add Playback access for more users, you will need some guidance based on your scenario. If primarily utilizing purchasing content in Playback, Playback Team Sharing will be required to expand Playback to more people on your account.

All "People" on an organization will utilize their own login information to access's website and apps. Login information should never be shared between people.
The original organization admin of an account will have Playback access, but additional Playback users will require extra licenses and permissions.

Sharing Playback access when renting content

If an organization subscribe to Playback Rentals, Playback Rental Permissions can be granted to any user on an organization which would grant that person access to spend the organization's Playback Rental credits to unlock the tracks on their device. Playback Rental permissions would also allow people to load in click and guide tracks for any song in the catalogue, without stems, without spending rental credits.

Playback Rentals are device specific, and each rental credit will only unlock the rentals on the specific device the song tracks were rented on. Additional rental credits would need to be spent in order to unlock the tracks on additional devices.

So how does my team rehearse when we're renting content?

If looking for a rehearsal solution when utilizing Playback Rentals, our team would point you to the best rehearsal solution; RehearsalMix. RehearsalMix is available individually, or can also be accessed in the MT One and Rehearse Bundle products.
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Sharing Purchased or Cloud Content in Playback

Playback Team Sharing is a single-user subscription that gives permission to members of your team to access purchased content and cloud content in Playback*. This includes Tracks products and Ambient Pads, as well as any original tracks uploaded via Cloud Pro.
*Playback for Mac requires a Playback Premium subscription to access.

Team Sharing subscription seats can be purchased individually on the Pricing Page, or are included items in MT One, the Live Bundle, and/or Cloud Pro. Playback Team Sharing seats can be assigned to individual people in your Organization.

If you're looking for the best way for your team to rehearse to the tracks you own or are renting, look no further than our RehearsalMix subscription which is included in MT One and the Rehearse Bundle. You can learn more about that here.

Tracks content that team members can access in Playback with Team Sharing includes:

  • Purchased MultiTracks WAV/MP3

  • Purchased App Tracks

  • Purchased CustomMixes

  • Purchased Accompaniment Tracks

  • Purchased Ambient Pads

  • Uploaded Cloud Songs (Cloud Pro or Live Bundle subscription required)

Other Helpful Links

  • To learn how to manage Team Sharing seats and other subscriptions with team members, click here.

  • To discover solutions for sharing your Organization's content with multiple campuses, click here.

Most Cloud Pro subscription tiers include Team Sharing seats. Learn more about Cloud Pro.

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