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Named Arrangements in the Ecosystem
Named Arrangements in the Ecosystem

An overview of Named Arrangements across the products and resources in the ecosystem

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 8 months ago

What is a Named Arrangement?

A Named Arrangement is a custom stored arrangement for a particular song. Storing a Named Arrangement is a feature of Cloud Pro Intro or higher. The benefits of storing named arrangements include:

  • Named arrangements can be recalled in future setlists to save time when planning and preparing setlists.

  • An unlimited number of named arrangements can be saved to a particular song.

What's included in a stored Named Arrangement?

The application that the named arrangement was built/saved from will determine what data is saved in that named arrangement. (Ex. Saving a Named Arrangement from Playback will store more information than saving a named arrangement from ChartBuilder).

Playback Named Arrangements

Named Arrangements saved to the cloud from Playback WILL include:

  • The custom song map (song section arrangement) of the song

  • Selected Tracks for the song

  • Key and Tempo for the song

  • The pad-player pad and settings set in the song's edit menu.

  • The duration settings in the song's edit menu
    (Start point, End point, Fade Out)

  • Track fader positions for the song

  • Bus fader positions for the song (With Song Specific Busses enabled)

  • Automations made in Playback

  • SMPTE start data

Name Arrangements stored to the cloud from Playback WILL NOT include:

  • MIDI Cues or MIDI cue data

  • MIDI Mapping data

  • Keyboard Mapping data

  • ProPresenter Playlist and Playlist Item numbers

ChartBuilder Named Arrangements

  • Named Arrangements saved to the cloud from ChartBuilder WILL include only the custom song map (song section arrangement) of the song.

  • Named Arrangements saved to the cloud from ChartBuilder WILL NOT include the key and tempo, or any other chart settings for the song.

Who can save Named Arrangements?

Refer back to the User Permissions section in order to understand what user permissions are required to save arrangement changes to the cloud.

  • Team Members: Can load setlists with Named Arrangements with a song, but cannot save or update arrangements for songs or setlists.

  • Team Leaders and Admins: Can load Named Arrangements, save new arrangements, and update existing arrangements.

Other Information

  • Named Arrangements can be designated from the website when adding songs to setlists on

  • Only Team Members, Campus Admins, and Organization Admins have the permissions to load and/or save Named Arrangements.

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