Songs in the catalogue can now be changed to any available song section name from
Requires Playback Version 8.1.7 or newer
(released in the App Store on Monday, June 24, 2024).Requires a Playback Premium license
How To
To rename a song section for a catalogue song in Playback, enter Setlist/Song Map edit mode by tapping on the "Edit" button in the top-right corner of the Playback app. Then ensure the "Setlist/Song Map" edit mode is selected in the edit menu drawer.
Next, simply tap the song-section circle in the top-left of any song section to open the song-section menu. From this menu, it's now possibly to rename any song section.
Other Information
Saving Custom Song Section Names
Custom Song Sections Names designated in Playback can be saved to both the setlist and to a Named Arrangement. Saving the setlist will include those custom song names, so they'll translate to other Playback devices. Saving the Named Arrangement in the song menu will save that arrangement and song section names to recall in future setlists.
Song Section Setlist Behavior
Custom Song Section Names designated in Playback will change the song for that specific setlist only. If the same song is present on the same Playback device in another setlist in the background, changing the song section name will only effect the currently-opened setlists. However Named Arrangements can be used to use custom named song sections across setlists.
MIDI and other data behavior
Renaming a song section does not change the catalogue data for that song section in the Playback app, and therefore does not allow for Playback to treat it as a separate song section. It will retain the original song section data when it comes to MIDI cues across song sections.
ChartBuilder behavior:
✅Custom song section names designated in Playback WILL change the ChartBuilder chart's song sections and reflect the new song section names.
❌Custom Song Section Names designated in Playback will NOT currently impact ChartBuilder's RehearsalMix audio.