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Updating Account and Organization Emails

Learn how to update both your personal account email and the organization's email address.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 8 months ago

There are two different areas a particular organization will have an email address to update.

  • Organization Email Address: This is the email address that receives all important email notifications relevant to the entire organization. I.E. Billing notices, receipts, important updates or information.

  • Individual User Email Address: This is the email address that is associated with a particular user under an organization. This email address would receive important information like password reset emails and setlist notifications.

Any individual user can update their user email address and other user information from the "Account Information" tab under their name.

Only Organization Admins can change Organization.

Updating an Organization Email

Note: only Organization Admins can update this organization email address.

To change the organization email find the organization Account page and navigate to "Organization Information." Find the email input field, input the desired email, and click "save" to update.
Note: Wait for the green banner to appear at the top of the site to confirm changes were saved.

Organization Information Email Update Steps

Updating your User Email

All users can update their personal email (the email used to sign in and receive account updates). To update your account email, find your account name on the account page and navigate to "Update Info + Photo."

Find the email input field, type in the desired email, and click "Save Changes" to update.

If you need any assistance please reach out to Customer Support using the messenger in the bottom-right corner of the website.

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