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HOW TO | Change the key and tempo of a song in Playback?
HOW TO | Change the key and tempo of a song in Playback?

Transpose the key and tempo of any song in Playback, with or without internet connection.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 7 months ago

Before getting started:

Whether using Playback Intro or Playback Premium, all Playback users can change the key of a song from the song's edit menu.

Key Change Information:

Changing the key of a song can be done in two main ways:

  • Selecting the key and downloading the specific key selected from the database of stored audio files.

  • Changing the key after it's downloaded, using an advanced offline Playback-built-in transposition algorithm.

What is transposed when choosing a non-original key?

All stems with tonal/harmonic content is transposed when selecting a different key, or transposing the audio files in Playback. Drum stems and percussion loops with no tonal content are never transposed. Certain stems that have some harmonic content mixed with non-harmonic will be transposed. For example; drum stems that are labelled "Drums (Live)" will have audio bleed that includes harmonic content and will always be transposed as a result.

Selecting the key before downloading

General Information

  • The key can be designated from the Website, ChartBuilder or Playback when adding songs to setlists.

  • Downloading the song in the desired key from the start is generally the best starting point, as it's downloading the highest quality audio files from the catalogue.

  • Cloud Songs can only be downloaded in the key they've been uploaded in, but can be changed to any key after downloaded into Playback.

How To Select the key when adding the song

While adding the song into Playback from the Add A Song menu, simply adjust the "Key" and Tempo values in the "Key & Tempo" section of the Add A Song menu before adding the song into the setlist. This can also be done on the website on when creating setlists.

Changing the key after a song has been downloaded into your setlist:

  1. Tap Edit to enter Setlist Edit Mode

  2. Tap the ellipsis icon (three dots) on the song tile to open the Edit Song Menu

  3. Tap on the “Key” or “Tempo” cells, and choose the desired change you want to make to the song.

    Update the key and tempo of any song in Playback in the Edit Song Menu.
  4. Tap “Update” in the top right corner, and the song will be transposed on device by using a high quality pitch/key shifting native plugin.

    Playback will transpose the tracks using quality pitch-shifting technology.

Once the shifting process is complete, your tracks are successfully transposed and ready for use! You can shift the key and tempo back to the original arrangement at any time through the same menu.

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