NOTE: If utilizing Planning Center Services, and are importing people from Planning Center Services view 📖this article.
How To add People to Your Organization
To add people to your team from your Account, follow these steps:
Log in to your account and go to “Account”
Click “People”
Click “Add Person”
Enter your team members email and press “Add”
The newly added team member will then need to check their email inbox for the activation email to accept the invitation or create a account. That person must accept the invitation in the activation email to join your team before they can access their seats for any subscriptions. (If they have trouble finding the activation email, be sure they check their spam/junk folders). You can also resend the activation email under the email address added in the “People” tab by clicking “Resend Email.”
Once the new team members' account is set up, their profile on the People manager tab will look like this, and you (the Organization Admin) will be able to assign team roles and seats for subscriptions.
The "Getting Started as a Team Member" online training is a great free resource that admins can share with their team. Specifically helpful for learning how to access rehearse bundle features like RehearsalMix and ChartBuilder in the ecosystem.
Next Steps
Learn how to 📖manage my team members' permissions and seats.