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Getting Started with Dimensions

Getting Started with Dimensions

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 4 years ago

Thank you for purchasing my first collection of patches!! This is a compilation of sounds from Life.Church Worship recordings as well as a couple sounds I use live, but haven't recorded yet. I hope these sounds are immediately useful in your worship setting, but also push the boundaries of your worship tones. Have fun!! — David

Installation MainStage

The easiest way to install this collection is to open up the concert and just start playing!

From there you can save .patch files (Command + e) and import them into your existing Mainstage setup (Command + i). You can also save and import .cst files depending on how you want to integrate these sounds into your setup.

Installation Omnisphere

For Omnisphere users not using MainStage, I’ve saved each sound as a Multi. I originally created these sounds in MainStage and they’re built with layers of effects, some in Omnisphere, some in MainStage. So as I created versions of these patches for Omnisphere not within MainStage, I sometimes needed the Master Effects section to have enough slots to load all the effects. Not every sound uses the Master Effects section, but many do. Because of that, I decided to save each patch as a Multi. Note: If you purchased the whole collection you should be able to install all the patches at once.

Installing Multis (.omnisphere)

1. Right click on some blank space in the Omnisphere window to open a menu of options.

2. Select “Install .omnisphere”. From there you can find your downloaded patches and install them.

Helpful Tips

Here are a couple tips to make sure you get the most out of these patches.

  • Many patches use the mod wheel, so be sure to test that out and see how it tweaks the sound.

  • Adjust the bpm of the patch to make sure it's synced up to the tempo of your song. Note: On the Mainstage patch level Texture Madness and Stutter Pad are set to a specific tempo separate from your song tempo (120 and 133 respectively). These patches aren't designed to follow the tempo of your song, but to create movement that works at any song's tempo. If you loaded the .omnisphere version of these patches you will need to set those specific tempos yourself.

  • The pitch bend for the Solo Lead patch is setup a little different. It will go up 2 steps, but go down 2 octaves.

  • For the side chained patches, the rhythmic patterns are triggered off each chord’s attack. But they will not re-trigger the side chain pattern unless the previous chord has released. So the best way to play this patch is to start on a downbeat and play legato, or hold the sustain pedal from one chord to the next. That will allow you to play legato off beat rhythms, while the side chain pattern remains constant. (See the Multitracks audio clips as an example.) If all your rhythms are on downbeats, then playing legato is not necessary because the patch will simply re-trigger the pattern on the downbeat each time you change chords.

  • The audio examples from the Multitracks website give ideas on how to approach each patch, but don't let that keep you from experimenting! Some of the most creative tones are found by playing a patch differently from the way it was designed to work.

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