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Installing Complete Worship Bundle

Installing Complete Worship Bundle

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 4 years ago

Thank you for purchasing Complete Worship Bundle

This MainStage Bundle was designed to be a Complete Worship Bundle containing everything you need for Praise & Worship. All the virtual knobs, faders and buttons have been pre-mapped to a Korg nanoKONTROL as well.


Adding Sounds to the Complete Worship Bundle

Below are some additional links mentioned in the walkthrough video:

NOTE: If you’re having trouble unzipping the Piano in 162 zip files, try using a third party program like this one to unzip the product.

Coping the Patches to Other Templates

If you want to add the individual patches to another MainStage/Logic X template go to the ‘Setting’ button at the top of the channel strip you want to copy and hit “Save as Channel Strip Setting…” Then you can add this saved channel strip to any other MainStage/Logic X concert by going to the saved channel strip under “User Channel Strip Settings”. If you are copying a sound that also uses effects on a ‘Bus’ be sure to save the ‘Bus’ settings as well and load them into your MainStage/Logic X Template.


"I can't get my Sforzando player to show up in MainStage"

Managing CPU

Pulse Issue

All programming, images and text © Peter James Productions 2017 All Rights Reserved.

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