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HOW TO | Create Cloud Song Charts
HOW TO | Create Cloud Song Charts

Information on how to create cloud song charts for use in the ChartBuilder app.

Alex avatar
Écrit par Alex
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IMPORTANT: If audio tracks are uploaded for a cloud song, song sections must be created FIRST in order for the song section data to be populated to create a chart. Creating a chart first and then creating song sections in Playback later will cause potential loss of data. See: How to | Build & Edit Cloud song Sections in Playback

Building a Chart on

Cloud Song with Tracks

When building a cloud song chart to a cloud song that has tracks, song sections will need to be made first. After song sections are built in Playback, the song sections will be auto-populated on the website in order to input cloud chart data.

Chords are notated using brackets "[]," and we offer a full PDF guide on Chord Pro notation on the charts tab of the website. (Also found below in Helpful links)

Video Guide:

What you will learn from this video:

  • How to build your chart for use in ChartBuilder

  • Adding chords and lyrics to song sections with Chord Pro

Other Helpful Links:

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