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Getting Started with Dark Shimmer Ambient Pads

Getting Started with Dark Shimmer Ambient Pads

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 4 years ago

Thank you for purchasing Dark Shimmer Ambient Pads.

These Ambient Shimmer Pads can be used in a variety of ways:

As ambient pad drones to fill out a worship song,

As a transition tool to bridge gaps between songs,

A soundscaping tool for live performance.

Because they are not tempo specific, they can be used in any tempo, time signature, and the bundle includes every key. They've been crafted musically to work equally well in songs that are in Major or Minor keys.

This bundle ONLY requires MainStage 3 or higher and doesn't require any additional software or plugins.


First make sure you have downloaded the whole product including the Samples. The first time you open the MainStage Concert you will be prompted to locate the WAV files on your harddrive. After locating and selecting all 24 WAV files I suggest saving the template so you don’t need to repeat this process again. The template is now installed and ready to use! If you wish t to change the location of these samples in the future, for example moving them to an external harddrive, you will need to repeat the above process again.

Product Description

This MainStage Template uses 24x 12 minute long wav audio files to create the Ambient Pads through MainStage’s Playback plugin. Note that each Ambient Pad will last for 12 minutes and then fade out by itself.

There are two ambient drones that get triggered whenever one of the key buttons are pressed. To blend between these two ambient drones use the ‘PAD MIX Volume) knob.

Low - Dark Shimmer

A dark ambient pad created with added 8ve Shimmer Chorus Reverb.

High - Dark Shimmer

A dark ambient pad an 8ve higher then the ‘Low – Dark Shimmer’ version.


All programming, images and text © Peter James Productions 2018 All Rights Reserved.

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