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Getting Started with Analog Shimmer Pads for StageReady

Getting Started with Analog Shimmer Pads for StageReady

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 4 years ago

! If you're using Mac OS Catalina: Click here for the install guide !

Thank you for purchasing Analog Shimmer Pads for StageReady.


DMG Installation
Using Your Sounds and Navigating Presets in Mainstage
Creating Layered Patches
DMG and Installation Troubleshooting

DMG Installation

Note: Quit MainStage before beginning the install process as it may struggle to find the samples otherwise.

Each StageReady Expansion Bundle ships with a DMG file that ensures quick and easy installation and use of the product.

1. Double-click the DMG file in your download folder.
Note: Don't worry if the DMG file is slow to open. This bundle is packed with great sounds, and they may take a few minutes to load.

2. After opening the DMG file for your expansion bundle, drag each product folder on the left to the destination folder on the right. The file names and image will change depending on your product, so don't worry. Just follow the same process.

Note: These expansion bundles are for the StageReady Template. Without the StageReady template properly installed you may encounter problems installing with the DMG files. If you're having issues with the DMG file, see DMG Troubleshooting for more information.

Using Your Sounds and Navigating Presets in StageReady

After moving the patches and samples to their specified folders, you're ready to bring the patches into MainStage! Note that in the example below we are using our 'Future Leads' Expansion Pack, but the process is identical for all bundles.

The easiest way to find your patches in MainStage is by using the Patch Library in the inspector.

Note: the inspector can be shown/hidden using the on screen control in the top left of the MainStage window.

After opening the inspector, navigate to the expansion bundles location by selecting
"User Patches" > "" > "StageReady Expansion Packs".

Select a patch preset from the list to load it into the template. Each bundle comes with presets set for each channel strip in the template. Selecting a patch in the "Channel Strip 1" Folder will load the preset onto the first fader/channel strip in the template. Some bundles may come with a patch that includes all the patches in the preset. This can be used to quickly discover the sounds of the bundle.

Note: When selecting different patches, MainStage has a bug that will cause audio output routing issues between presets. After you've created a blank patch, when you load a Channel Strip 1 preset, the routing for that patch will be stuck into channel strip one. So if after loading the Channel Strip 1 preset, you decide to instead load a Channel Strip 2 preset, the on screen controls will adjust to the second channel strip but the routing will be frozen on the first Chanel strip. To avoid this, create a new patch before loading presets for different channel strips.

Creating Layered Patches

Note: The steps in this guide are using the StageReady Startup Presets. The process is exactly the same, only your product will appear in StageReady instead of 'Future Leads'.

Expansion bundles are built to seamlessly integrate with the patch building foundation in StageReady. Building a layered patch for your every need has never been easier. Follow these steps to combine presets into a layered patch.

1 - Load up to 6 different presets into your patch list. In the screenshot example, we've selected 3.
Note: It's helpful at this step to confirm the output routing for each preset is correct before combining them.

NOTE: Combining multiple presets which use the same channel strip can cause the patch to behave unpredictably. They will still work, but functionality may be reduced. For best results, only combine patches from different sections. These are clearly separated in the User Library using folders S1 - S6 which correspond to each channel strip. For example, combine 'S1 Piano 1', 'S2 Pad Warm' and 'S3 Rhodes Vintage'. The labels 'S1', 'S2' etc will show you which channel strip the sound will be mapped to.

2 - Select multiple patches by first clicking the highest in the list. Once that's selected, hold the shift key on your computer keyboard and select the lowest in the list whilst still holding the shift key down. This will select multiple patches and they will be highlighted blue as in the screenshot below.

3 - Right-click and choose 'New Patch from Selected Patches'.

4 - Your custom layered patch will appear in the patch list. Simply rename it by double clicking its current title, and it's ready to use in your set. If you like the layers you've created, we advise exporting the patch to the "User Presets" folder to help you find your sounds quickly.

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